Summende forår 2024

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Shuffle Garden2024 Mainbanner.png

I de hviskende skove, som Blomstergoblinen kalder sit hjem, rører der sig noget magisk. Hans have, normalt så velkendt, spirer pludselig med blomster, der synes at vokse op på en nat, dansende til en usynlig melodi. Over denne livlige dans af blomster og blade fanger en dyb summen hans opmærksomhed, leder ham væk fra hans blomstrende helligdom og ind i de tætte skove.

På jagt efter denne mystiske melodi snubler Blomstergoblinen over et episk syn - Den store bikube, summende af liv og dobbelt så høj som den højeste eg. Hans øjne bliver store; hans grønne tommelfingre kilder. Dette er ikke bare en hvilket som helst bikube. Den er som taget ud af legenderne, den slags kuber som biavlere hvisker om ved lejrbålets skær.

Med hoppende skridt og et hjerte fyldt af tapperhed (eller er det bare goblinernes uforsigtige nysgerrighed?), lister han hen til kubens majestætiske indgang, ivrig efter at møde dens summende indbyggere.

Er du klar til en tur ind i det ukendte? Følg med Blomstergoblinen, kig ind i den store bikube, og opdag en verden summende af hemmeligheder og pragt!

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After returning to their village, all the Goblins are happy to be back in their original form and are again free to enjoy some time in the mud, building their fortresses and spending the night drinking some home made ale. But among them, one Goblin feels weird. Try as he might, he can no longer connect with Goblin habits and culture!

While revisiting the Flower Fields, the magical pollen makes the Goblin sneeze and he becomes once again, the Flower Goblin! From this moment on, he remembers the great experiences he had in the fields, and his connection to Fauna and Flora of the area since he is able to communicate with animals and plants.

After learning from them important life lessons, the Flower Goblin understands that he became a flower again not only because of the curse, but because deep inside it was all he was meant to be. Now he wanders through Elvenar and uses his talents to create the most beautiful gardens ever seen!

Opgaver og opgavemilepæle

Opgaverækken består af en historiedel og yderligere episodiske opgaver, som begynder, så snart historien er fuldført. Dette betyder, at du vil være i stand til at afslutte den første serie af opgaver med det samme, mens senere opgaver får nye tilføjelser udgivet på daglig basis, hvilket giver dig mulighed for at spille en ekstra begivenhedsopgave på hver ny begivenhedsdag.

Løsning af begivenhedsopgaver giver også ekstra fordele, da hver fuldførte opgave bringer dig tættere på at nå en af milepælene, som giver dig ekstra belønninger blot ved at nå dem.

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Hver fuldførte opgave vil give dig bronzeskovle Bronze Shovels.png som belønning. De bliver automatisk tilføjet til begivenhedsmenuen. Med bronzeskovle kan du åbne fe-frø for at vinde værdifulde og unikke begivenhedsbygninger og andre genstande. Ved at åbne fe-frø vil du også modtage fortryllede blomster Enchanted Flower.png, der hjælper dig med at nå de store præmier, men det er ikke alt!

I årets majbegivenhed bliver der tilføjet et frø til tælleren vedr. de særlige evner, når du åbner et fe-frø. Når du har samlet det nødvendige antal, kan du bruge det til at aktivere særlige evner, der yderligere øger dine chancer for succes!

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By clicking the Event Menu icon you will access the Event Window which will give you plenty of information and allow you to put the Bronze Shovels you gathered to use:

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  1. The time remaining until the event ends.
  2. The current Grand Prize you are working towards and a preview of the next ones to come.
  3. Displays how many Enchanted Flowers Enchanted Flower.png have been delivered and shows current progress towards unlocking the Grand Prizes.
  4. If you see that you have reached 5/5 Reroll charges, and you want to change your Daily Prize, just press the Reroll button, confirm your choice, and you will see your Daily Prize change for the day!
  5. Your Daily Exclusive Prize. Hover over the building for its description.
  6. The amount of Bronze Shovels Bronze Shovels.png you have collected and not yet spent.
  7. Leagues: Allows you to see your progress through the Leagues (please check the bottom of the page for more information)
  8. Allows you to buy Bronze Shovels with Premium Currency.
  9. The Garden: Use the Enchanted Flowers to decorate your garden and unlock amazing Grand Prizes.
  10. Fairy Seeds, which you can open with Bronze Shovels, to win a reward and obtain Enchanted Flowers and Seeds.
  11. Special Powers: "Reveal Two" and "Double Reward" - When the required number of Fairy Seeds have been opened, you can use these to reveal two random rewards or double the reward in the next Fairy Seed opened. "Shuffle" can be activated using Bronze Shovels whenever you want to get a new set of Fairy Seeds.

You can also click the Helpbtto.png button to see the help information of the event.


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Du starter begivenheden med 50 bronzeskovle Bronze Shovels.png, og hver begivenhedsopgave vil give dig flere som belønning for at fuldføre de givne opgaver. Hver dag, du spiller under begivenheden, vil du modtage en Daglig Login-belønning på 35 bronzeskovle Bronze Shovels.png.

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Derudover vil du fra tid til anden finde flere bronzeskovle omkring udkanten af din by, som du kan samle.

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Du kan derefter bruge bronzeskovle til at åbne fe-frø. Yderligere bronzeskovle låses op, når du når den tredje opgavemilepæl.

Husk, at begivenheden kun varer et par uger, og derefter vil du ikke længere kunne bruge dine bronzeskovle til at åbne fe-frø og tjene fantastiske belønninger, så spild ikke tiden!


I denne begivenhed starter du hver dag med i alt 16 låste fefrø, der venter på, at du åbner dem ved hjælp af bronzeskovle. Ved begyndelsen af hver dag vil du blive præsenteret for en ny udvælgelse af belønninger, der er skjult inden i fefrøene. For at give dig en idé om, hvad du kan vinde, er belønningerne synlige i starten, men du skal blande dem, før du åbner fefrøene for at få deres indhold.

Shuffle Garden2024 Shuffle FSeeds locked.png

Når du har blandet dem, vil fefrøene blive lukket.

Shuffle Garden2024 Shuffle FSeeds closed.png

Brug dine bronzeskovle til at åbne et fefrø. Hvert frø vil give dig en fortryllet blomst plus en af mange forskellige belønninger, som f.eks. skiftende daglige eksklusive, velsignelser, videnspoint, runestykker, særlige bygninger eller flere bronzeskovle.

Du kan til enhver tid aktivere en manuel blanding, så længe du har de påkrævede 45 bronzeskovle.

Tip: Hvis du allerede har fundet de præmier, du ledte efter, kan det være en god strategi at bruge bland-knappen til at få et nyt sæt lukkede fefrø.

Særlige Evner

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Hver gang du åbner et fefrø, tilføjes 1 frø til Særlige Evner-tælleren. Når du har samlet det nødvendige antal, kan du derefter bruge den tilsvarende evne for at øge dine chancer yderligere!

Der er 3 særlige evner, du kan bruge:
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Omkast - Til prisen af 45 bronzeskovle giver det dig nye belønninger, lukker alle tidligere åbnede fefrø og tillader dig at "blande dem igen.
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2x - Fordobler belønningerne i det næste fe-frø, der åbnes efter aktivering.
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Forstørrelsesglas - Viser indholdet af to endnu ikke åbnede fefrø.
Bemærk venligst: Du kan ikke fortsætte med at opspare yderligere Frø, hvis en særlig evne er klar til brug. Først efter at en evne er blevet brugt, vil tælleren begynde at stige igen med hvert nyt åbnet fefrø.

Fortryllede Blomster

May2021 tab3.png

Hver gang du åbner et fefrø, vil du blive belønnet med en fortryllet blomst. Hvis du tidligere har brugt "2x" særlig evne, vil du modtage to fortryllede blomster!

Med de fortryllede blomster vil du kunne dekorere din have. Med 20 fortryllede blomster vil du have den mest fantastiske have i Elvenars verden, og du vil låse op for en ny hovedpræmie!

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Denne begivenhed giver dig et ny bygningssæt - Den gyldne bikube. Ligesom tidligere sæt er dette særlige bygninger, der øger og tilføjer nye produktioner, når de placeres direkte ved siden af hinanden, som et sæt. Det kan betyde, at deres almindelige produktion øges, eller at der tilføjes nye produktioner, når flere sætbygninger kombineres!

The buildings that are part of the Building Set are dispersed throughout the Grand Prizes and Quest Milestones lanes. Collect the following 6 buildings to complete the full Building Set: The High Hive, Pupa Nest, Pollen Pantry, Sentry Post, Fiddlin’ Foliage, and last but not least The Gilded Jar.

Golden Hive

The Golden Hive Building Set provides many different resources for your city such as, Population, Culture, Divine Seeds, Refined Ascended Goods, Training Grounds Light Ranged Units and Mercenary Camp Mage Units as standard production. By completing the set, the building's set will increase the production of these resources and new resources will be added such as Spell Fragments and Vitality Surge Instant (10%).

For more information on Buildings Set, go to our dedicated page on the topic.

Royal Prize Pass

The Royal Prize Pass is an additional feature, which can accompany any regular Event in Elvenar.

Shuffle Garden2024 Prizepass.png

For every event step completed, you will make a step towards the next Grand Prize, and an additional Prize within the Royal Prize Pass!

In the Grand Prizes window, available from the Event screen if the Event is using the mechanic, you can see the upcoming event prizes that are waiting for you to be unlocked. Here, for every step earned from collecting Event Currency, you can unlock one of the event Grand Prizes, among which you can find various high-rarity instants, Artifacts, and so on.

The Royal Prize Pass adds Royal Grand Prizes, which can be collected with the regular Grand Prizes. The Royal Prize lane becomes available with purchasing the Royal Prize Pass and you can do so at any time in the event! For this event, the exclusive building that will be granted with the purchase of the Royal Prize pass is the Sweetcomb Square!

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Grand Prizes

The Grand Prize Lane is where you can find the majority of the key building pieces to complete the Golden Hive Building Set!

Remember to spend all your Bronze Shovels Bronze Shovels.png on the Enchanted Flowers so you won't miss any key pieces of this brand new and incredible Building Set, but also to collect an exclusive portrait that is not available anywhere else in the game.

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You can collect it when you reach the 280 Enchanted Flowers Enchanted Flower.png Milestone on the Grand Prizes Lane

Daily Prizes

As with past events, this event brings you wonderful and unique buildings from the event. This year you will not only have the opportunity to collect old familiar buildings, but also 1 brand new building: Banshee Bramble.

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But that's not all, as there are more awesome prizes, including Knowledge Points, Ancient Knowledge, Coin Rain, Units, all kinds of Instants, Rune Shards, Goods and more, much more!

Be sure to complete all the Event Quests so that you can have a chance to win every single one of these wonderful prizes.

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After collecting the Daily Exclusive rewards and Grand Prizes, you will find them in your InventoryInventory icon normal.png

Please note: All building values and effects depend on the chapter you are in at the time you add the buildings to your Inventory.

Expiring Buildings

In the this event, when you reach the last milestone reward, you will receive an Expiring Building: The Goddess of Wishes. This powerful building grants you a random reward every 12 hours.

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You can find out more about Expiring Buildings in the dedicated page.


In this event you will have the chance to participate in Leagues and win even more fantastic prizes! By earning Enchanted Flowers Enchanted Flower.png opening Fairy Seeds, you will progress towards the Grand Prizes but also to work your way up through the Leagues.

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There are five different Leagues you can reach: Hobby, Iron, Bronze, Silver and Gold League. Each League is limited to a number of players with the required amount of points for that League. If a League is already full, you will move to the next League down but remember, the positions of the Leagues are recalculated every hour so do not give up hope and focus on collecting enchanted flowers to continue to progress in the Leagues!

  • Hobby - All Players
  • Iron - Top 50%
  • Bronze - Top 20%
  • Silver - Top 5%
  • Gold - Top 1%

For the Hobby League you only need to start playing the event, as for the rest of the Leagues you will need to obtain Enchanted Flowers Enchanted Flower.png in order to progress through the Leagues.

Each League has a minimum amount of points that needs to be reached. The League requirements are based on the progress of all players participating in the event and is recalculated every hour, so you might notice some changes on the required points to achieve the next League.

If you hover your mouse over the Leagues icon in the event window, you will be able to see what your rank is and how much further you have to go until you reach the next League.

Leagues tooltip May2023.png

Leagues Prizes

In Leagues there are even more fantastic prizes to be won, such as Expiring Buildings, Knowledge Points, Royal Restorations, Artifacts and even an exclusive Portrait that is not available anywhere else in the game!

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Each league has a set of awesome rewards, the higher the League the better the rewards! In order to receive the rewards of the League you desire, you must be in the top ranking of that League.

At the end of the event you will see a reward window that displays your League position and the prizes you have won.

Leagues reward window.png

Related Events

In Elvenar there is always a story behind every occurrence, and with the Events it couldn't be any different. Check out other related events pages so you don't miss a single glimpse of the story of the engaging characters! Skabelon:May Events