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Kedlen er endnu en funktion i Magisk akademi, men den har også i nogen grad forbindelse til Turneringer! Du finder den i akademiet, hvor du indsamler ingredienser, brygger trylledrikke og får mægtige bonusser, men ikke uden hjælp fra en stærk troldkvinde! Sammen vil i brygge stærke trylledrikke til din by.


Hver lørdag morgen slentrer troldkvinden gennem skovene omkring din by for at samle friske ingredienser til at brygge en magisk trylledrik! Troldkvinden vender hjem tidligt søndag morgen for at sortere og forberede de friske ingredienser hun har samlet!


For at få adgang til Kedlen, skal du låse op for dens teknologi i kapitel 5. Når den er låst op, bliver fanen "kedel" synlig i det Magiske akademi!

Cauldron Tab.png

Genstande i Kedlen

For at kunne brygge en trylledrik med succes, er der flere aspekter du skal overveje:

  • Ingredienser - Disse har kun sammenhæng med kedlen. Du kan vælge tolv forskellige ingredienser, hvoraf de otte kan købes med "heksepoint" og de fire med diamanter. Hvilke ingredienser som koster diamanter og hvilke der koster heksepoint, ændrer sig hver uge. Hver ingrediens har en eller flere effekter forbundet med sig, og hvis du køber en for heksepoint, stiger prisen på den næste. Dem du køber for diamanter vil beholde samme pris.
  • Cauldron WitchPoints.png Heksepoint - Dem bruger du til at købe ingredienser og til at forbedre effekterne (i studiefasen). Hver søndag modtager du et antal heksepoint baseret på dine forskningsfremskridt og du mister alle ubrugte point om lørdagen.
  • Cauldron Goblets.png Trofæbægre - Trofæbægre bruges til at drikke din trylledrik af, og dermed udløse dens effekter. Hver uge modtager du mindst 1 trofæbæger, og hvis du deltager i Turneringer kan du få op til 4 trofæbægre pr. turnering.
  • Cauldron Diploma.png Forskningsdiplomer - Du modtager Forskningsdiplomer når du har låst op for alle forskninger i et kapitel. Med flere forskningsdiplomer, øges mængden af mulige effekter du kan få i din trylledrik. Så, jo længere du er i spillet, jo mægtigere kan dine trylledrikke blive!
  • Spell Fragment.png Formularfragmenter - Med formularfragmenter kan du forbedre den kritiske chance, som er chancen for at en aktiveret effekt bliver forstærket.

Kedlens faser

Kedlen er inddelt i 3 forskellige faser:

  • Forberedelse - Perioden hvor troldkvinden indsamler ingredienser (Fra 00:00 lørdag til 00:00 søndag, hvor kedlen ikke er tilgængelig).
  • Bryggefase - Fasen hvor du kan vælge blandt de indsamlede ingredienser for at brygge din trylledrik. (Fra 00:00 søndag til 00:00 lørdag).
  • Studiefase - Her kan du forbedre effekten i dine fremtidige trylledrikke (tilgængelig når du har brygget din trylledrik, mellem 00:00 søndag og 00:00 lørdag).


Her sker der ikke så meget, troldkvinden er ude og indsamle ingredienser til din trylledrik, så kedlen er ikke tilgængelig. Du vil se en besked der er efterladt af troldkvinden om at vende tilbage senere! I øverste venstre hjørne kan du se hvor lang tid der er tilbage, før troldkvinden vender tilbage med ingredienser.

Cauldron Off.png


Det er det øjeblik du har ventet på, for nu er det tid til at brygge en trylledrik! Klik på "tilføj ingredienser" for at komme i gang!

Cauldron Tab.png

Ved at klikke på knappen "tilføj ingredienser" får du adgang til det primære vindue i bryggefasen, hvor du kan vælge mellem de ingredienser du vil bruge til din trylledrik.

Cauldron Brew Explain.png
  1. Antallet af heksepoint du har, baseret på fremskridtet af din forskning.
  2. Antallet af trofæbægre du har til at drikke af din trylledrik og aktivere en effekt.
  3. Tilgængelige ingredienser du kan bruge til at brygge din trylledrik.
  4. Mulige effekter din trylledrik kan have (Ved at tilføje ingredienser ændrer effekterne og deres mulige fremkomst sig muligvis). Terningen viser procentchancen for succes, den grønne pil er effektens styrke og timeglasset viser varigheden.
  5. Her kan du tilføje formularfragmenter for at øge chancen for kritisk effekt. Tryk på '+' og '-' for at tilføje eller fjerne 1000 formularfragmenter. (Hvis du ønsker det kan du indtaste et manuelt tal, men det bliver automatisk justeret til nærmeste lavere til der kan deles med 1000).
  6. Her kan du bruge diamanter i stedet for formularfragmenter til at øge chancen for kritisk effekt. (Du kan kun tilføje eller fjerne 25 diamanter af gangen).
  7. Bryggeknappen - Når du synes du har den rette sammensætning og mængde af ingredienser, trykker du her for at brygge din trylledrik. (Her kommer en samlet oversigt over udgiften til at brygge denne trylledrik, ressourcerne fjernes først når du har bekræftet dit valg).
  8. Kedlen og dens indhold (Her kan du se den senest tilføjede ingrediens).
  9. Her kan du fjerne den sidst tilføjede ingrediens.
  10. Her kan du fjerne alle ingredienser og starte forfra med en tom kedel.
  11. Et overblik over den nuværende succeschance i betragtning af de ingredienser som lige nu er i kedlen.
  12. Et overblik over den nuværende chance for kritisk effekt, i betragtning af de tilføjede formularfragmenter og diamanter.

Bryg en drik

I bryggefasen kan du fremstille stærke trylledrikke, med forskellige ingredienser. Du kan kombinere op til 25 ingredienser for at skabe en drik. Du kan mikse enhver ingredienser, enten for heksepoint eller for diamanter. Du kan også bruge den samme ingrediens flere gang, alt sammen for at få den perfekte trylledrik til dig! Din trylledrik vil have have varierende effekter, afhængig af hvilke ingredienser du bruger og i hvilken rækkefølge!

Formularfragmenter spiller også en meget vigtig rolle i din trylledrik, hvis du vil have chance for at den låser op for nogle kritiske effekter. Spell Fragments also have a very important role to play in your Potion if you want to have a chance to unlock some critical effect. Spell Fragments can be added every 1000 units or if you wish, Diamonds can be used instead, these can be added every 25 units for the same effect percentage.

Spell Fragments Role.png

If a Trophy Goblet does not trigger a Potion Effect in which you have used Spell Fragments, part of the used Spell Fragments will be refunded to you! You will see this information in the Potion result window and at the same time the announced amount of Spell Fragments will be refunded.

Cauldron SFragments Refund.png

When you think you have added all the necessary Ingredients and are ready to brew your Potion, click the "Brew" button to proceed! A window will pop up to confirm your choice and to check if you have the available resources. Press the "Bottom´s Up!" button and see if your Trophy Goblet has triggered any Potion Effect!

Cauldron Confirm1.png

If you have chosen some Ingredients with a Diamond cost, or used Diamonds to increase the chance of a critical effect, a blue button will appear instead of the usual green one, confirm your choice and see your Potions outcome!

Cauldron Confirm2.png

Attention: Only when you click on the "Bottom's Up!" button will the resources be removed from your inventory. If you click on the "Cancel" button you will go back to the Brew menu and can either remove or add Ingredients, and no resources will have been taken away from you.
Attention: If you proceed to Potion brewing, you will not be able to go back to the brewing menu, so make sure you have chosen the necessary Ingredients to brew your potion, as you will have to wait until the following week to be able to brew a new Potion again.

Potion Result

When you click on "Bottom's Up!", the Sorceress will inform you of your Potion result, whether your Trophy Goblets have triggered and which are the Effects for your city productions!

Cauldron P1.png

If you have more Trophy Goblets, you have to keep drinking more of the potion to have a chance of triggering more effects, in the top right corner you have the information on how many Trophy Goblets you have left!

Cauldron P2.png

Sometimes, a same effect can be repeated, in which case you will have to choose whether you want to keep the old one or choose the new one which can be better or not, the choice is always yours! Only one effect of the same type can be active at the same time in your City!

Cauldron P3.png

When your Trophy Goblets are over, your Potion is also ended and you will proceed to the next phase and final phase of the Cauldron, the Studying!

Cauldron P5.png

You will have an overview of your currently active Effects in the Cauldron's Studying window, where you can see which ones are active and how long they will last! The effects will be listed from left to right from shortest to the longest, up to 10 effects can be active at the same time!

Cauldron Potion Effects.png
Note: The active Effects, are displayed in all Cauldron phases.

If you hover your mouse over a listed Effect, you can view its level, percentage and duration time.

Cauldron Effect Tooltip.png

If you hover your mouse over the resource that is being influenced by your Potion, you can easily get an idea of the amount of the boost.

Cauldron Potion Tooltip.png

Sometimes Trophy Goblets may not trigger any effects. If for example you have used too few Ingredients, then in the following week you know you will have to invest more Ingredients into your Potion!

Cauldron NoEffect.png

Hint: The more Ingredients you put in your potion, the more likely your Trophy Goblets are to trigger an effect of your choice. Remember to use Spell Fragments to stand a chance of triggering the critical effect.
Attention: It is not possible to save Trophy Goblets for the following week, if you do not brew any Potion, they will be lost when the Cauldron closes at 00h00 on Saturday.


The Studying phase is where you can improve your favourite Effects! This phase is available between 00:00h on Sunday and 00:00h on Saturday as soon as you Brew your Potion!

In the top left corner you have the remaining time indication (If there is less than 24 hours until the Cauldron finishes the time will be displayed in red). Press the "Improve Effects" button to begin.

Cauldron Studying.png

After clicking the "Improve Effects" button you can start using the Witch Points you haven't used in the Brewing phase.

Cauldron Study Explain.png
  1. Indicates the amount of Research Diplomas you currently have, each Research Diploma represents 1 Chapter completed (To receive the Research Diploma you must research all the Technologies of the Chapter).
  2. Shows the amount of Witch Points you still have available.
  3. Shows the Effects you can improve, scroll down to see what more effects you have available.
  4. Overview of the Effect improvement you have clicked on.
  5. Progress to the next Effect level.
  6. Button to enhance the chosen effect, pressing here will consume the indicated Witch Points.
  7. Resource donation button for Witch Points. Click here to choose the Resource you want to use.
  8. Button to convert the chosen Resource for Witch Points (The amount of Witch Points displayed will be added to your stock).

All Effects have 100 improvement levels! When you improve an Effect, its Benefit will be used next week if you can get your Trophy Goblets to activate that Effect again! If you are not successful, fear not, the progress of improvement is not lost, this means that in the following week the Effects will be at the same level as you left them!

Cauldron Study Evo.png
Note: As you improve each Effect level, the cost and the amount of Witch Points needed for improving one Effect will gradually increase each level.

Resources for Witch Points

If you really want to improve a certain Effect but your Witch Points for that week have been used up? You can convert Resources in your game into Witch Points!

Cauldron Study R f WP.png

You can choose from Standard Goods to more valuable Resources such as Divine Seeds to convert into Witch Points! Be aware that as you acquire Witch Points with a particular Resource their cost will increase, but also the amount of Witch Points acquired per Resource will increase!

Reminder: Remember that you can not keep unused Witch Points and they will disappear when the Sorceress goes into the woods to gather Ingredients for the upcoming week, so make sure you don't leave any Witch Point unused!

Potion Effects

The Cauldron introduces wonderful Effects that will be applied to your city productions if you manage to use enough Ingredients to Brew your Potion!

Cauldron Effects.png

The duration, strength and level of the Potion's Effect depends on the improvement level they are in. Remember to use any unused Witch Points from one week to continue improving your favourite Effects for next week! All Effects have 100 evolution levels.

Please Note: All active effects have action on all productions in your city with the exception of Building Sets.

Potion Effects Overview

Potion Effects
Research Diploma
Icon Description Effect Description
Ch5.png Effect Coins.png Magical Tax Increase Increase all your Coins Production
Effect Supplies.png Supply Surplus Spell Increase all your Supplies Production
Effect B Strenght.png Generals Mayhem Increase the Strenght of all your Barracks Units
Effect G1.png Trader´s Basic Plea Increase all your Basic Standard Goods Production
Effect G2.png Trader´s Refined Plea Increase all your Refined Standard Goods Production
Ch6.png Effect G3.png Trader´s Precious Plea Increase all your Precious Standard Goods Production
Ch7.png Effect TG Strenght.png Monsters' Mayhem Increase the Strenght of all your Training Grounds Units
Ch8.png Effect Chapters.png Gift of the High Men Increase all your Settlement Resources Production
Ch9.png Effect Orcs.png Horde Uprising Increase all your Orcs Production
Ch10.png Effect Mana.png Ena´r Boon Increase all your Mana Production
Ch11.png Effect MC Strenght.png Mercenaries' Strength Increase the Strength of all your Mercenary Camp Units
Ch12.png Effect Seeds.png Harvest Moon Increase all your Seeds Production
Ch13.png Effect Sg1.png Trader´s Basic Prayer Increase all your Basic Sentient Goods Production
Ch14.png Effect Sg2.png Trader´s Refined Prayer Increase all your Refined Sentient Goods Production
Ch15.png Effect Sg3.png Trader´s Precious Prayer Increase all your Precious Sentient Goods Production
Ch16.png Effect TG Health.png Monsters' Morale Boost Increase the Health of all your Training Grounds Units
Ch17.png Effect MC Health.png Mercenaries' Morale Boost Increase the Health of all your Mercenary Camp Units
Ch18.png Effect Unurim.png Unur's Resurgence Increase all your Unurium Production
Ch19.png Effect Ag1.png Trader's Basic Blessing Increase all your Basic Ascended Goods Production
Ch20.png Effect Ag2.png Trader's Refined Blessing Increase all your Refined Ascended Goods Production
The Effects listed are available when you research all the Technologies and gain the Research Diploma of that Chapter.

Tournament & Trophy Goblets

Every week you get one free Trophy Goblet in the Cauldron, but you can win more Trophy Goblets by taking part in Tournaments. Trophy Goblets are what trigger the Potions, so the more the better!

However, to win Trophy Goblets you must be active enough in the Tournaments!

Cauldron Tournament NoTG.png

Achieve a certain Tournament score and you can win up to 4 Trophy Goblets per Tournament. A new Trophy Goblet is earned each time your Tournament Points total reaches a certain threshold: 200, 600, 1200, and 2000 Tournament Points.

Cauldron Tournament 1TG.png

The progress towards receiving the Trophy Goblet is individual, it has nothing to do with the progress of the Fellowship, each Fellow will receive the Trophy Goblets achieved according to the individual score attained!

Cauldron Tournament AllTG.png

Please Note: At the end of the Tournament the Trophy Goblets you have achieved will be added to your Cauldron inventory. You can view them when the Cauldron starts on Sunday.