Himmelhandlernes Rejse

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Himmelhandlernes Rejse

Forumann Summer2020.png

Der er observeret luftskibe som kommer fra øst. Alle typer racer bemander de flyvende skibe; Alt fra mennesker og elvere, til orker og feer. Gad vide hvor disse folk kommer fra? Da det første skib kommer tættere på, springer en kæk halving ud for at hilse på dig, og med et nysgerrigt blik og et stort smil siger hun: "Ohøj skipper! Det her må være Elvenar, ikke? Vi kommer fra Unur. De sagde at vi skulle etablere en handelscentral i det her område."

Før du ved af det er flere skibe ankommet og har kastet anker, det ene smukkere end det andet. Halvingen introducerer sig selv som Mindra, en himmelhandler fra Scrapperfraktionen. Efter lidt mere snak forstår du at de er en nomadegruppe af handlende fra Unurs ørkenområder og at de gerne vil etablere en handelsrute med Elvenar. Slå dig sammen med Mindra og de andre Himmelhandlere på deres jagt efter materialer til etableringen af Himmelhandlernes Handelscentral og blive klogere på denne specielle, men fascinerende gruppe. Man ved aldrig hvornår dette samarbejde kunne vise sig nyttigt igen...

Air Traders Set

Opgaver & Opgavemilepæle

I løbet af denne begivenhed vil der være en opgaverække som består af to dele. Det første sæt opgaver er en klassisk række af historieopgaver, mens det andet sæt er en episodisk opgaverække, hvor en ny opgave tilføjes for hver dag der er gået i begivenheden - så den sidste og afsluttende opgaver tilføjes på begivenhedens sidste dag.

Hver opgave giver dig Brændstofkrystaller FuelCrystals.png som belønning. Jo flere opgaver du gennemfører, jo tættere på oplåsning af opgavemilepæle, som indeholder yderligere belønninger, kommer du. Her finder du blandt andet nogle af bygningerne fra Himmelhandlersættet. Du kan se din nuværende status i opgaverækken og i forhold til milepælene, i bunden af opgavevinduet.

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Du kan herudover få flere brændstofkrystaller via Dagligt Rejselogin! Besøg din by hver dag, så du ikke går glip af 25 Brændstofkrystaller hver ny dag!


Brændstofkrystallerne tilføjes automatisk til din begivenhedsmenu.

The Fuel Crystals are automatically added to your Event Menu. With Fuel Crystals FuelCrystals.png you can open different Chests to win unique and precious Event Buildings, as well as other desirable rewards! Each Chest also contains Waypoints Waypoints.png, moving the airship to the next port and unlocking mighty Grand Prizes!

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By clicking the Event Menu icon you will access the Event Window which will give you all necessary information about the event and allow you to use your Fuel Crystals:

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1 - Indicates the remaining time for the Event.

2 - Shows the amount of Fuel Crystals FuelCrystals.png that have been collected and not yet spent.

3 - Allows you to buy Fuel Crystals with Diamonds.

4 - Displays how many Waypoints have been collected and shows current progress towards unlocking the Grand Prizes.

5 - Airship: As Waypoints are collected, the Airship begins to fly towards the next Port following the Waypoints to the Grand Prize.

6 - Grand Prizes to be won by collecting the 20 Waypoints each.

7 - The Daily Exclusive reward that can be obtained by opening the Chests and the time left before will be gone.

8 - Treasure Chests on which Fuel Crystals are spent to win a reward and obtain Waypoints Waypoints.png. Shows how many Fuel Crystals are needed and how many Waypoints are unlocked with each Chest.

You can also click the Helpbtto.png button to see the help information on the Air Trader´s Voyage Event.

Fuel Crystals

Fuelcrystals banner.png

You start the Air Traders' Voyage with 50 Fuel Crystals FuelCrystals.png and every quest in the event gives you more when completed. From time to time, you will also find more Fuel Crystals around your city to collect, or find them as a random reward in the Mystical Object in Crafting.

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Additionally, you will receive 25 Fuel Crystals if you visit your city each day and collect the Daily Voyage Login!

Rotating Chests

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There are 3 randomly selected Chests to choose from! Each one gives you a chance to win the Daily Exclusive reward. Other rewards can be Ancient Knowledge, Coin Rain, Supply Windfall, Portal Profit, Unit Instants, even more Fuel Crystals and more. It all depends on how lucky you are! By opening the Chests you will also unlock Waypoints. Remember: each Chest will offer a different number of Waypoints for your Fuel Crystals,so choose carefully.

Once you selected a Chest, all remaining Chests will rotate and present you with a new set of Chests.

Sample Chests

Here are some sample overviews of what you can win:

Summerevent20 sample rewards.png

Unlocking Waypoints

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As you open a Chest, you will win a number of Waypoints Waypoints.png. Each Chest will immediately give you a specific amount indicated on the top left of the box.

Collecting the Waypoints allows you to unlock the Grand Prizes! There are some brand new Grand Prizes available, each requiring 20 Waypoints to be unlocked. Note: To unlock the next Grand Prize, you will first need to collect the previous one.

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After collecting buildings as Grand Prizes, you will find them in your InventoryInventory icon normal.pngunder the Summonings tab.

Please note: All building values and effects depend on the chapter you are in at the time you add the buildings to your Inventory.


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When you open a Chest and unlock Waypoints, the Airship will begin to fly towards the next port, unlocking the next Grand Prize. This gives you a clear indication of your progress towards the next big reward.


Grand Prizes & Daily Prizes
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Each day you will have the chance to win a Daily Exclusive prize, including some brand-new buildings of the event, but the main goal is to combine these buildings with the fantastic Grand Prizes and complete Air Traders Set.

Be sure to complete all the Event Quests so that you can have a chance to win every single one of these wonderful prizes.

Summerevent20 reward panel.png

Building Set
Air Traders Set

Air Traders' Voyage also adds a new Building Set. Like previous Sets, these are reward buildings activate link bonuses when they are placed directly next to each other. This can mean that their regular production is increased, or that new productions are added once several set buildings are combined!

Collect the following 5 buildings to complete the set: Main Docks, Food Stand, Harbor Market, Repair Dock and Trading Dock.