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Fabrikker er et hovedelement i Elvenar. De producerer en vigtig ressource: Varer!

Varer vil blive nødvendige for ethvert fremskridt, så som: oplåsning af teknologi, opgradering af bygninger, opgaver og udforksning af provinser (Hvis du ønsker at forhandle i stedet for at kæmpe).

Der er 9 forskellige fabrikker i Elvenar og du vil finde dem under 'varer' fanen i byggemenuen.

Goods tab.png


As you progress through the chapters, you will see two types of Goods: The Standards Goods and the Sentient Goods.

Standard Goods

Standard varer er grupperet ind i 3 kategorier: Grundliggende varer, forarbejdede varer, og magiske varer.

De grundliggende varer kan blive forsket ret tidligt i forskningstræet og er billige at producere.

Magiske varer vil først blive tilgængelige senere i spillet. Deres produktion er dyr, men du vil få brug for dem til højere teknologier og for at udforske provinser langt væk.

Grundliggende varer Forarbejdede varer Magiske varer
Good marble big.png Marmor Good crystal big.png Krystal Good elixir big.png Eliksir
Good steel big.png Stål Good scrolls big.png Skriftruller Good magic dust big.png Magisk støv
Good planks big.png Planker Good silk big.png Silke Good gems big.png Juveler

Sentient Goods (from Chapter XII - Elementals and up)

Sentient Goods are also grouped into three categories: Quality 1 Sentient Goods, Quality 2 Sentient Goods and Quality 3 Sentient Goods. The Sentient Goods can be researched from the Elemental guest race chapter and beyond in the Research Tree and can be produced in any Manufactory that is at least level 24. The production options for Sentient Goods will replace some of the production options for the normal Good in that Manufactory.

Their production requires the other Good produced in the same Manufactory plus Divine Seeds.

The Sentient Goods are subject to a special decay. You can store unlimited amounts of Sentient Goods in your Main Hall, but they will decay overnight by 10%. Sentient Goods decay like Mana and Divine Seeds, but unlike them, they will not just disappear but "transform back" into the original resource. For example, if you have 1000 Moonstone, and the decay is 10%, you will lose 100 Moonstone overnight and gain 100 Marble.

Sentient Goods Categories
Quality 1 Sentient Goods Quality 2 Sentient Goods Quality 3 Sentient Goods
Moonstone Moonstone
Platinum Platinum
Elven Tree Gum Even Tree Gum

You can trade all Goods in the Trader, but you will need a lot of Basic Goods to get some Crafted or even Magical Goods. You will also need a lot of Quality 1 Sentient Goods to get some Quality 2 Sentient Goods or even Quality 3 Sentient Goods.

Produktions Boost

Standard Goods Production Boost

Igennem spillet vil du få muligheden for at øge din produktion af 3 af de 9 varer i spillet (en for hver kategori). De 3 boostede varer er tildelt tilfældigt til dig ved opstarten, og de er afhængige af din placering på kortet. Du kan se dem listet i rådhuset.

Boosts sector.png

For at aktivere et produktions boost, skal du opfinde dens teknologi i forskningstræet og indsamle de tilhørende relikvier på verdenskortet. Jo flere af de tilhørende relikvier du indsamler, jo mere vil din boost blive opgraderet i rådhuset.


Tip:: Da du vil have 3 varer der vil blive boostet, er det anbefalet at koncentrere din produktion omkring disse varer og handle dem til de andre 6 varer. Du kan gøre dette via handelsmanden.

Sentient Goods Production Boost (from Chapter XII - Elementals and up)

Your new boosted Sentient Good will be your current boosted Basic Good +1. If your boosted Basic Good is Marble, your new boosted Sentient Good will be Platinum (Steel), for Steel it will be Elven Tree Gum (Wood) and for Wood it will be Moonstone (Marble).

To activate a Sentient Goods production boost, you need to unlock its technology in the Research Tree much later in the game and collect the corresponding Relics on the World Map. The more corresponding Relics you collect, the more your boosts will be upgraded in the Main Hall.

The image in the Mainhall will change, as you research the Sentient Goods.


The number of relics needed to get a certain Production Boost is the same as for the Standard Goods and can be found in the Relics Overview

Bygningsliste elvere

Bygnings Oversigt
13 manufactory elves stone 01 cropped.png


14 manufactory elves metal 01 cropped.png


12 Manufactory elves wood 01 cropped.png


16 manufactory elves glas 01 cropped.png


17 manufactory elves paper 01 cropped.png


15 manufactory elves fabric 01 cropped.png


19 manufactory elves elixirs 01 cropped.png


20 manufactory elves magic dust 01 cropped.png

Magisk støv

18 manufactory elves gems 01 cropped.png


Bygningsliste mennesker

13 manufactory humans stone 01 cropped.png


14 manufactory humans metal 01 cropped.png


12 manufactory humans wood 01 cropped.png


16 manufactory human glass 01 cropped.png


17 manufactory humans paper 01 cropped.png


15 manufactory humans fabric 01 cropped.png


19 manufactory humans elixirs 01 cropped.png


20 manufactory humans magic dust 01 cropped.png

Magisk støv

18 manufactory humans gems 01 cropped.png
