Portal til fortiden 2023
Thalita, en dværg tilhørende en klan, der er skjult mellem de frodige tropiske bjerge i Unur, byder os velkommen igen og informerer os om, at de har gjort en bemærkelsesværdig opdagelse, der kan ændre skæbnen for Sol- og Månedværgene: Et mystisk, gammelt sted, der ligner et kæmpe spilbræt til fusionsspil! Deres dygtigste troldmænd har studeret det indgående, men det forbliver uforståeligt. Det Gamle Sted aktiveres ved at spille Fusionsspillet inden i det. Når det første stykke er sat på plads, dukker en bleg måne frem inde i stedet, og nysgerrige små portaler materialiserer sig i det omkringliggende område.
Opgaver og opgavemilepæle
Opgaverækken består af en historiedel og efterfølgende episodiske opgaver som tager over når historiedelen er gennemført. Det betyder at du i princippet kan gennemføre historiedelen med det samme, mens de efterfølgende opgaver åbnes med en ny opgave dagligt, så du altid har mindst en ny opgave at gå i gang med på hver dag i begivenheden.
Når du løser begivenhedsopgaver giver det en række fordele, da hver gennemført opgave også bringer dig tættere på den næste milepæl, som hver giver ekstra præmier for blot at låse dem op.
Hver gennemført opgave giver dig dværgepoletter som belønning. De tilføjes automatisk til begivenhedsmenuen. Dværgepoletter bruges til at åbne kopperne så du kan få spilbrikker - disse kan du fusionere og bytte med dværgene for de værdifulde triumfjuveler . Med disse værdifulde triumfjuveler kan du låse op for fantastiske hovedpræmier, her i blandt bygningerne til begivenhedens nye udviklingsbygning: Solunar Nexus.
Ved at klikke på begivenhedsmenuen får du adgang til begivenhedsmenuen, som giver dig masser af information og giver dig mulighed for at bruge de dværgpoletter, du har samlet:
- Viser hvor lang tid der er tilbage af begivenheden.
- Viser mængden af dværgepoletter du har indsamlet, og endnu ikke brugt.
- Ligaer, her kan du se hvor langt du er i ligaerne. (Se bunden af denne side for mere information)
- Her kan du købe dværgepoletter for diamanter.
- Som du kan se har du opsparet 5/5 ombytningsforsøg, hvis du ønsker at ændre din daglige eksklusive trykker du blot på knappen og bekræfter dit valg, så er der en ny daglig eksklusiv resten af dagen!
- Viser dig hvilken daglig eksklusiv der er lige nu. Viser også hvor længe den er tilgængelig endnu.
- Hovedpræmier vinder du ved at indsamle 20 triumfjuveler pr. hovedpræmie.
- Mængden af triumfjuveler du har handlet dig til hos dværgene.
- Information: Her kan du se de forskellige tilgængelige udviklinger af spillebrikker, samt hvad deres nuværende niveau er.
- Spilbrættet hvor spilbrikkerne dukker op og hvor du kan kombinere dem.
- Tilgængelige handler i øjeblikket, se omkomstningerne ved handlen baseret på det tilbud du ønsker at acceptere fra dværgene.
- Dine fremskridt i opdagelsen af dværgenes citadel.
- Skraldespand: Træk en spilbrik som du ønsker at fjerne fra spillet hertil. Pas på! Denne handling kan ikke fortrydes.
- Kopper: Her kan du bruge dine dværgepoletter, hver kop er forbundet til en bestemt type af spilbrik.
- Heldigt træk: Dette fantastiske kort giver mulighed for at sætte en brik på niveau 5 eller 6 på brættet. Hvis du er heldig kan du modtage 50-100 dværgepoletter.
Du kan også klikke på knappen for at få hjælp og information vedrørende begivenheden Portal til fortiden.
Du starter begivenheden med 40 dværgepoletter og hver begivenhedsopgaver giver dig flere som belønning for at gennemføre de stillede opgaver. Desuden vil du få 20 dværgepoletter hvis du besøger din by hver dag og indsamler den daglige begivenhedsbelønning!
Fra tid til anden kan du desuden finde flere dværgepoletter rundt omkring i din by, som du kan indsamle.
Du kan bruge dværgepoletterne til at vinde spilbrikker. Yderligere poletter bliver tilgængelige når du når den første opgavemilepæl.
Husk på at begivenheden kun varer i nogle få uger og derefter kan du ikke længere bruge din dværgepoletter til noget, så spild ikke tiden!
The Trading Game
Cups and Game Pieces
To play a Merge Event, you will need two things: Mergeable Pieces and Cups.
There are three types of Pieces in this event:
- The Figurines
- The Tools
- The Dice
Each type of Piece has six levels. You can find all the levels of each piece on the image below:
The Cups will give you the Game Pieces to play this event. Each Cup can only give a Game Piece of its type. You can activate a Cup using your Dwarven Chips, but the reward of the Cup is randomly chosen by the game. You can see in the table below the odds of each piece for each Cup:
Cup of Figurines | Cup of Tools | Cup of Dice |
Please note: You can see that each Cup can only give you a Game Piece up to Level Five. |
Merging Process
The format of this Event is Merging the Game Pieces. To obtain the rewards from the Dwarven Traders, you have to offer them the correct Game Pieces.
But when you activate a Cup, you will receive a Game Piece of the Cup type, but not necessarily the level that you want. It's now that the Merging can take place!
To merge two Pieces together, you have to click on the First Piece and drag it onto the Second Piece. And that's all! The merge will be done and a new evolved Game Piece will appear!
There are some rules to follow:
First rule: You can only merge together two game pieces of the same type and the same level. Which means that, you can't merge a Dice level 1 and a Tool level 1. But you can merge two Figurines level 2.
The result of two Game Pieces merged together will always be a single Game Piece, but one which has evolved to the next level up from that of the initially separated pieces.
Example: you need to produce a Dice level 5? You need to merge two Dice level 4.
Second rule: The merging is irreversible. If you don't need the merged Piece, you can only discard it or keep it until you need it.
Third rule: By merging two Pieces, you will always get a higher level. You can never obtain a lower level.
The Trading Process
On the right section of the Game Table, you will find three orders from the Dwarven Traders. Similar to the Chests of our previous events.
To complete each trade offer, you need to produce the required Game Pieces in the Game Table. You can have a maximum amount of 3 offers at the same time and each offer will ask you for one Piece of each type but with different levels. The more difficult the offer is, the better the rewards.
If you don't want to fulfil an offer, you can decide to skip it. But be aware that you will have to wait 30 minutes to receive a new offer or use diamonds instead.
When you accept an offer, the Game Pieces will be taken from your Game board, the Rewards of the offer will be granted, and the Triumph Gems obtained will help you to progress in the Grand Prizes Lane and the League. Please see our dedicated section below.
The Lucky Draws
The Lucky Draw is your Joker for this Event! As a reward of a Dwarven Trader offer, you can win "Lucky Draws". This is a special item that will grant you a reward randomly chosen by the game. You can win higher level Game Pieces or Dwarven Chips.
Evolving Buildings
A new Evolving building is available in A Gateway into the Past: Solunar Nexus. It can be evolved through 10 stages to increase its power. If you want more information about Evolving Buildings, please see our dedicated page.
Solunar Nexus provides Culture and Population as a base bonus. For its special bonus it will produce: Supplies, Goods, Mana and many others depending on the Chapter.
Royal Prize Pass
The Royal Prize Pass is an additional feature, which can accompany any regular Event in Elvenar.
For every event step completed, you will make a step towards the next Grand Prize, and an additional Prize within the Royal Prize Pass!
In the Grand Prizes window, available from the Event screen if the Event is using the mechanic, you can see the upcoming event prizes that are waiting for you to be unlocked.
Here, for every step earned from collecting Event Currency, you can unlock one of the event Grand Prizes, among which you can find various high-rarity instants, Artifacts, and so on. The Royal Prize Pass adds Royal Grand Prizes, which can be collected with the regular Grand Prizes.
The Royal Prize Lane becomes available with purchasing the Royal Prize Pass and you can do so at any time during the Event! Previously unlocked Royal Grand Prizes will also be available at any point, should you decide to purchase the Royal Prize Pass. For this event, the exclusive buildings that will be granted with the purchase of the Royal Prize Pass is the Super Jumper Tower, and if you progress enough you'll be rewarded with the new expiring building, the Queen's Idol.
Grand Prizes and Daily Prizes
Each day, you will have a chance to win a Daily Exclusive Prize but, the real goal of this Event is to win the fantastic Grand Prizes.
Grand Prizes include the Solunar Nexus Artifact, which allows you to evolve your Solunar Nexus building to the next level.
See Evolving Buildings for more information on the evolution process.
But that's not all, as there are more awesome prizes, including Sip of Clarity, Ancient Knowledge, Pet Food, Spectral Stones, Rune Shards and more rewards !
During this Event, you get the chance to win two new awesome Daily Prizes too: Perpetual Slider and Bouldersurge that will give Population and Culture, and Target Shooting that will give Training Ground Light Ranged units.
And that's not all! If you progress enough in the game you can get two new Portraits, one in the Grand Prizes and one in the Royal Prizes that cannot be found anywhere else in the game:
In this event, you will have the chance to participate in Leagues and win even more fantastic prizes!
Triumph Gems will not only allow you to collect Grand Prizes but also to progress up through the Leagues.
There are five different Leagues: Hobby, Iron, Bronze, Silver and Gold League. Each League is limited to a number of players with the required amount of points for that League. If a league is already full, you will move to the next League down but remember, the positions on the Leagues are recalculated every hour so do not give up hope and keep gathering Triumph Gems to be able to progress in the Leagues!
- Hobby - All Players
- Iron - Top 50%
- Bronze - Top 20%
- Silver - Top 5%
- Gold - Top 1%
For the Hobby League you only need to start playing the event, as for the rest of the Leagues you need to gather Triumph Gems in order to progress to a higher League.
Each League has a minimum number of points that need to be reached. The League requirements are based on the progress of all players playing the event and are recalculated every hour, so you might notice some changes in the required points to achieve the next League.
If you hover your mouse over the Leagues icon in the event window, you will be able to see what your rank is and how much further you have to go until you reach the next League.
Leagues Prizes
In Leagues there are even more fantastic prizes to be won such as Expiring Buildings, Knowledge Points, Royal Restoration, Artifacts and even an exclusive Portrait that is not available anywhere else in the game!
Each league has a set of awesome rewards, the higher the league the better the rewards! In order to receive the rewards of the league you desire, you must be in the top ranking of that League.
At the end of the event you will see a reward window that displays your League position and the prizes you have won.
Related Events
In Elvenar there is always a story behind every occurrence, and with our Events it couldn't be any different. Check out other related Gateway into the Past event pages so you don't miss a single glimpse of the story of the engaging characters!
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