Vintermagi 2019
Hilsner! Jeg er en Goblin; alle kalder mig Boblin. Vinterårstiden nærmer sig og det er derfor et passende tidspunkt at præsentere historien om Elvenezer Scratch og vinterens tre spøgelser. Elvenezer er en gammel rig Yeti som har brugt sit liv på at fremstille (ifølge ham selv) Elvenars bedste Elvenade. Allerede fra en tidlig alder alder, og i samarbejde med hans partner og eneste ven, Yecob Marlow, har han tjent en formue på at sælge Elvenade i hele landet. Men, Elvenezer er en koldhjertet og meget utålelig Yeti. Hans eneste ambitioner er profit og velstand. Bekymrer han sig overhovedet om andet?
Min historie starter ... Efter det tragiske tab af hans partner Yecob i en fabriksulykke bliver Elvenezer eneste ejer af fabrikken. Det gjorde ham meget rig! Han fortsatte med at fremstille og sælge sin berømte Elvenade, mens hans kolde personlighedstræk voksede sig stærkere. Dem som kendte ham, undgik ham så vidt muligt.
Årtier senere skete der nogle sære hændelser. En sen nat, viste en skabning sig for Elvenezer: Hans ven Yecob Marlows spøgelse. Yecob skældte ud på Elvenezer for den måde han havde brugt sig liv, og advarede ham om at tre spøgelser ville komme på besøg...
Følg med i min historie i løbet af begivenheden, og hey - vind en masse flotte præmier undervejs.
I denne begivenhed spiller du en opgaverække som er delt op i to afdelinger i forlængelse af hinanden, en historiedel og en bonusrunde som lader dig fortsætte med uendelige opgaver så længe du har lyst. Hver gennemført opgave giver dig Røde Sløjfer som belønning. Disse Røde Sløjfer tilføjes automatisk til din begivenhedsmenu. Dem kan du bruge til at åbne forskellige pakker med unikke og værdifulde gevinster, heriblandt en daglig eksklusiv! Alle pakker indeholder også slikhamre , som du skal bruge til at bygge dit Honningkagehus og vinde hovedpræmierne.
Ved at klikke på begivenhedsmenuens ikon får du adgang til begivenhedsvinduet som giver dig en masse informationer og hvor du kan bruge dine røde sløjfer og slikhamre:
- Tid til begivenheden slutter.
- Den nuværende hovedpræmie du arbejder dig frem mod, og et
- The time remaining until the event ends.
- The current Grand Prize you are working towards and a preview of the next ones to come.
- Gift Boxes where you can reveal prizes. Each day there will be a new set of them.
- Your Gingerbread House to build to unlock Grand Prizes.
- Shows how many parts of the Gingerbread House have been constructed.
- The number of Candy Hammers you own. Click the button beneath the House to use one Hammer.
- The number of Red Ribbons you have. You can obtain more with premium by clicking the "+" button.
- Your Daily Exclusive Prize. Hover over the building for its description.
You can also click the button to see the help information on Winter Magic.
Red Ribbons
You start the Winter Magic Event with 50 Red Ribbons and every Event Quest gives you more when completed. Use these Red Ribbons to open Gift Boxes. From time to time, you will find more Red Ribbons dotted around your city for you to collect.
Use the Red Ribbons to open one of the 16 Gift Boxes and gain many attractive and useful rewards.
Don't forget to also check your Mystical Object in the Magic Academy's Crafting tab. There will be a chance to gain even more Red Ribbons by completing Mystical Objects.
Gift Boxes
At the start of each day, you will be presented with a new selection of Gifts. To give you an idea of what you can win, the rewards are visible at first but you must "Shuffle" them before you can claim any. The rewards will then be mixed up and placed in Gift Boxes.
Use you Red Ribbons to open a Gift Box. Each one will give you a Candy Hammer plus one of many different rewards like the Daily Prize, Instants, Knowledge Points, Rune Shards, special Buildings or more Red Ribbons.
There are 3 Special Rewards within the Gift Boxes.
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Candy Hammers
Each time you open a Gift Box, you will be rewarded with a Candy Hammer . If you have revealed the "2x" special reward previously, you will even receive two Candy Hammers.
With the Candy Hammers you are able to construct your Gingerbread House. To use your Candy Hammers, click the button:
This will use 1 Candy Hammer and give you up to 3 Gingerbread Bricks for your House:
Once 20 Gingerbread Bricks are in place, you have a completed the House and you will receive the current Grand Prize.
Collect your Grand Prize and your Gingerbread House will clear so you can begin to use your Candy Hammers to construct it over again.
After receiving any buildings, Daily Exclusives and Grand Prizes, you will find them in your Inventory
Please note: All building values and effects depend on the chapter you are in at the time you add the buildings to your Inventory. |
Evolving Buildings
A tasty Gingerbread Mansion is the Evolving Building in this event! It can be evolved through 10 stages to increase its power.
The Evolving Gingerbread Mansion provides different resources for your city, including Population, Culture and Crystal. As the Gingerbread Mansion evolves, it will start producing additional resources, such as Scrolls, Silk and Ancient Knowledge if you have advanced far enough in your Research.
For more information on Evolving Buildings, go to our dedicated page on the topic.
Grand Prizes & Expiring Buildings
Each day, you will have a chance to win a Daily Exclusive Prize but, the real goal of this Event is to win the fantastic Grand Prizes. Here we have the Gingerbread Artifact which evolves your Gingerbread Mansion:
See Evolving Buildings for more information on the evolution process.
But that's not all, as there are more awesome Prizes, including several Expiring Buildings that give you special rewards.
The Wishing Well gives you a random reward every 12 hours, the Carting Library produces Knowledge Points, the Elvenade Supply Carriage gives an exciting Portal Profit, which refills your capped Guest Race Goods once you have reached Chapter 6, the Ice Lindworm produces Ancient Knowledge, and the Ferris Wheel Galore lets you produce Boosters, Knowledge Points or Broken Shards as you wish.