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Oversigt over Konstruktørernes Bygninger
Portalsite gr9.png

(D000-b "Kerne")

Gr9 production.png

D001-o "Motor"

Gr9 production.png

D002-l "Have"

Gr9 production.png

D003-r "Forsamling"

Gr9 production.png

D004-w "Zoo"



Når Konstruktørernes produktionsøer lander i din by, vil du blive i stand til at fremstille Konsturktørernes ressourcer; "Elvenarin, Luftfiltre, Regnvandmænd, Elektriske Stød, Elvarium og Humanium".

Hver ø spiller en vigtig rolle i forhold til at få Konstruktørerne til at fungere, og kulminerer i fremstillingen af de mystiske elementer: Elvarium og Humanium. Hver ø producerer Elvenarin som, med næringsstofferne Luftfiltre, Regnvandmænd, Elektriske Stød og Proteinbarer skal bruges til at fremstille Elvarium og Humanium. Disse elementer skal bruges til at forske i kapitlets teknologier.


Du kan bygge øerne fra "gæsterace"-fanen i din byggemenu. Hver ø kan enten være forbundet til Centraløen eller til en anden produktionsø.


Disse øer - Moter, Have, Samling og Zoo - er alle sætbygninger.Når de er i kontakt med hinanden, får de hver en bonus til produktion som svarer til 50% for hver kontakt. Den maksimale bonus du kan opnå er 250%. Det er derfor vigtigt at du planlægger placeringen af dine øer for at maksimere produktionen.


Upgrading the Production Islands requires you to research the technology for each level.

GR9 Island Upg.png

D001-o "Engine"


The purpose of this Island is to produce your Construct Resources of Elvenarin, Electric Shocks, Rain Jellyfish and Humanium.

D001-o "Engine" Overview

D001-o "Engine"
Level Requirements Costs Benefits (Regular Production levels)
Level Size Construction Time Tier 3 Sentient Goods Elvenarin Air Filters Elvenarin/3h Electric Shocks/6h Rain Jellyfish/6h Humanium/9h
1 5x6 12:05 h Silly Soap 12400 - - 1000 35 45 5
2 5x6 14:37 h - 7100 550 1500 53 68 8
3 5x6 17:10 h - 17900 1380 2000 70 90 10
4 5x6 19:42 h - 46000 3600 2500 88 133 13

Building Levels

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Gr9 Production1 1.png
Gr9 Production1 2.png
Gr9 Production1 3.png
Gr9 Production1 4.png
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.

D002-l "Garden"


The purpose of this Island is to produce your Construct Resources of Elvenarin, Protein Bars, Electric Shocks and Elvarium.

D002-l "Garden" Overview

D002-l "Garden"
Level Requirements Costs Benefits (Regular Production levels)
Level Size Construction Time Tier 3 Sentient Goods Elvenarin Rain Jellyfish Elvenarin/3h Protein Bars/6h Electric Shocks/6h Elvarium/9h
1 7x4 12:05 h Alloy Shrooms 12300 - - 1000 40 35 5
2 7x4 14:37 h - 7100 500 1500 60 53 8
3 7x4 17:10 h - 17900 1240 2000 80 70 10
4 7x4 19:42 h - 46000 3200 2500 100 88 13

Building Levels

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Gr9 Production2 1.png
Gr9 Production2 2.png
Gr9 Production2 3.png
Gr9 Production2 4.png
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.

D003-r "Assembly"


The purpose of this Island is to produce your Construct Resources of Elvenarin, Air Filters, Protein Bars and Humanium.

D003-r "Assembly" Overview

D003-r "Assembly"
Level Requirements Costs Benefits (Regular Production levels)
Level Size Construction Time Tier 3 Sentient Goods Elvenarin Electric Shocks Elvenarin/3h Air Filters/6h Protein Bars/6h Humanium/9h
1 6x4 12:05 h Alloy Shrooms 9300 - - 1000 50 40 5
2 6x4 14:37 h - 7100 390 1500 75 60 8
3 6x4 17:10 h - 17900 970 2000 100 80 10
4 6x4 19:42 h - 46000 2500 2500 125 100 13

Building Levels

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Gr9 Production3 1.png
Gr9 Production3 2.png
Gr9 Production3 3.png
Gr9 Production3 4.png
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.

D004-w "Zoo"


The purpose of this Island is to produce your Construct Resources of Elvenarin, Rain Jellyfish, Air Filters and Elvarium.

D004-w "Zoo" Overview

D004-w "Zoo"
Level Requirements Costs Benefits (Regular Production levels)
Level Size Construction Time Tier 3 Sentient Goods Elvenarin Protein Bars Elvenarin/3h Rain Jellyfish/6h Air Filters/6h Elvarium/9h
1 4x5 12:05 h SillySoap 8200 - - 1000 45 50 5
2 4x5 14:37 h - 7100 440 1500 68 75 8
3 4x5 17:10 h - 17900 1100 2000 90 100 10
4 4x5 19:42 h - 46000 2900 2500 113 125 13

Building Levels

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Gr9 Production4 1.png
Gr9 Production4 2.png
Gr9 Production4 3.png
Gr9 Production4 4.png
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.