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Oversigt over Konstruktørernes Bygninger
Portalsite gr9.png

(D000-b "Kerne")

Gr9 production.png

D001-o "Motor"

Gr9 production.png

D002-l "Have"

Gr9 production.png

D003-r "Forsamling"

Gr9 production.png

D004-w "Zoo"



Når Konstruktørernes produktionsøer lander i din by, vil du blive i stand til at fremstille Konsturktørernes ressourcer; "Elvenarin, Luftfiltre, Regnvandmænd, Elektriske Stød, Elvarium og Humanium".

Hver ø spiller en vigtig rolle i forhold til at få Konstruktørerne til at fungere, og kulminerer i fremstillingen af de mystiske elementer: Elvarium og Humanium. Hver ø producerer Elvenarin som, med næringsstofferne Luftfiltre, Regnvandmænd, Elektriske Stød og Proteinbarer skal bruges til at fremstille Elvarium og Humanium. Disse elementer skal bruges til at forske i kapitlets teknologier.


Du kan bygge øerne fra "gæsterace"-fanen i din byggemenu. Hver ø kan enten være forbundet til Centraløen eller til en anden produktionsø.


These Islands - Engine, Garden, Assembly and Zoo - are all Set Buildings. When in contact with one another, they increase production amounts by 50% for each contact. The maximum boost is 250%. So planning the arrangement of your Islands is crucial to maximise production.


Upgrading the Production Islands requires you to research the technology for each level.

GR9 Island Upg.png

D001-o "Engine"


The purpose of this Island is to produce your Construct Resources of Elvenarin, Electric Shocks, Rain Jellyfish and Humanium.

D001-o "Engine" Overview

D001-o "Engine"
Level Requirements Costs Benefits (Regular Production levels)
Level Size Construction Time Tier 3 Sentient Goods Elvenarin Air Filters Elvenarin/3h Electric Shocks/6h Rain Jellyfish/6h Humanium/9h
1 5x6 12:05 h Silly Soap 12400 - - 1000 35 45 5
2 5x6 14:37 h - 7100 550 1500 53 68 8
3 5x6 17:10 h - 17900 1380 2000 70 90 10
4 5x6 19:42 h - 46000 3600 2500 88 133 13

Building Levels

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Gr9 Production1 1.png
Gr9 Production1 2.png
Gr9 Production1 3.png
Gr9 Production1 4.png
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.

D002-l "Garden"


The purpose of this Island is to produce your Construct Resources of Elvenarin, Protein Bars, Electric Shocks and Elvarium.

D002-l "Garden" Overview

D002-l "Garden"
Level Requirements Costs Benefits (Regular Production levels)
Level Size Construction Time Tier 3 Sentient Goods Elvenarin Rain Jellyfish Elvenarin/3h Protein Bars/6h Electric Shocks/6h Elvarium/9h
1 7x4 12:05 h Alloy Shrooms 12300 - - 1000 40 35 5
2 7x4 14:37 h - 7100 500 1500 60 53 8
3 7x4 17:10 h - 17900 1240 2000 80 70 10
4 7x4 19:42 h - 46000 3200 2500 100 88 13

Building Levels

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Gr9 Production2 1.png
Gr9 Production2 2.png
Gr9 Production2 3.png
Gr9 Production2 4.png
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.

D003-r "Assembly"


The purpose of this Island is to produce your Construct Resources of Elvenarin, Air Filters, Protein Bars and Humanium.

D003-r "Assembly" Overview

D003-r "Assembly"
Level Requirements Costs Benefits (Regular Production levels)
Level Size Construction Time Tier 3 Sentient Goods Elvenarin Electric Shocks Elvenarin/3h Air Filters/6h Protein Bars/6h Humanium/9h
1 6x4 12:05 h Alloy Shrooms 9300 - - 1000 50 40 5
2 6x4 14:37 h - 7100 390 1500 75 60 8
3 6x4 17:10 h - 17900 970 2000 100 80 10
4 6x4 19:42 h - 46000 2500 2500 125 100 13

Building Levels

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Gr9 Production3 1.png
Gr9 Production3 2.png
Gr9 Production3 3.png
Gr9 Production3 4.png
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.

D004-w "Zoo"


The purpose of this Island is to produce your Construct Resources of Elvenarin, Rain Jellyfish, Air Filters and Elvarium.

D004-w "Zoo" Overview

D004-w "Zoo"
Level Requirements Costs Benefits (Regular Production levels)
Level Size Construction Time Tier 3 Sentient Goods Elvenarin Protein Bars Elvenarin/3h Rain Jellyfish/6h Air Filters/6h Elvarium/9h
1 4x5 12:05 h SillySoap 8200 - - 1000 45 50 5
2 4x5 14:37 h - 7100 440 1500 68 75 8
3 4x5 17:10 h - 17900 1100 2000 90 100 10
4 4x5 19:42 h - 46000 2900 2500 113 125 13

Building Levels

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Gr9 Production4 1.png
Gr9 Production4 2.png
Gr9 Production4 3.png
Gr9 Production4 4.png
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.