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Winter Logo event FV.png

Snebygebegivenheden er i gang!

Denne vinter besøger Kong Sne din by, og han bringer frostklare morgener, tilfrosne damme og en masse sne med sig. I løbet af Snebygebegivenheden vil du møde en masse store udfordringer igennem en række opgaver. Du har muligheden for at optjene store præmier i bytte for snefnug og endda unikke kulturbygninger med vinterkuglerne.

Snefnug kan du optjene ved at udfordre Kong Sne og løse de opgaver han stiller dig, mens vinterkugler kommer til dig når du bytter snefnug for præmier.

Herudover vil du bemærke at landskabet i din by allerede har forandret sig til et vidunderligt vinyerlandskab, hvor der, når begivenheden starter, af og til vil dukke sjældne snekrystaller op. Indsaml dem fra din bys område for at få ekstra snefnug!

Snow Flurry Event

Begivenhedens menu

Under snebyge-begivenheden vil du have adgang til to nye og eksklusive opgaverækker. Men vær opmærksom på at de kun er tilgængelige i en kort periode!

Den første opgaverække er den daglige snebygeopgave som giver dig tilfældigt udvalgte opgaver som skal klares. Den anden opgaverække er de episodiske opgaver som giver dig én bestemt opgave af gangen, alt efter hvad Kong sne ønsker. Hver opgaverække giver dig snekrystaller som belønning, som bliver tilføjet i snebygemenuen.


Ved at klikke på begivenhedsmenuen får du adgang til begivenhedsvinduet, som vil give dig masser af information og muligheden for at bruge dine snefnug:

Explanation image

1 - Viser dig mængden af snefnug som du har indsamlet og endnu ikke brugt.

2 - Giver dig mulighed for at købe snefnug med diamanter.

3 - Viser hvor lang tid der er tilbage af begivenheden.

4 - Viser den daglige unikke præmie du kan få i kisterne og hvor lang tid der er tilbage før den er væk igen.

5 - Her kan du se hvor mange vinterkugler du har og hvor mange du mangler før du kan låse op for hovedpræmierne.

6 - Kister som du kan købe for dine snefnug og i bytte få vinterkugler samt en tilfældigt udvalgt gevinst retur.

Du kan også altid trykke på Helpbtto.png knappen for at se hjælpeinformationer om snebygebegivenheden!



Du starter snebygebegivenheden med 50 snefnug (Snow Flake image) og hver begivenhedsopgave vil give dig flere snefnug, som belønning for at gennemføre den givne opgave.

Du kan bruge snefnug for at åbne de værdifulde gavekister som, afhængigt af dit held, også kan give dig flere snefnug.

Husk at begivenheden kun vare nogen få uger, og derefter kan du ikke bruge dine snefnug til at få fingrene i de fantastiske skatte - Så spild ikke din tid!

Crystal city.png



Kisterne indeholder værdifulde belønninger! Du kan vinde videnspoint, runeskår, formularer, snefnug og endda den unikke og værdifulde daglige eksklusive præmie. Det afhænger alt sammen af hvor heldig du er! Ved at åbne kisterne får du også vinterkugler, men husk at du får flere vinterkugler, jo højere niveau skattekisten er på.

Du kan vælge mellem kisterne, som hver indeholder ens præmier - men der er forskelle på hvor stor chancen er for at vinde de enkelte præmier, i de enkelte kister. Et godt råd: Jo højere niveau skattekiste, jo bedre chance for at vinde en god præmie!



Når du åbner en kiste, kan du vinde vinterkugler WinterGlobe.png. Hvor kiste vil med det samme give dig en præcis mængde vinterkugler. Jo bedre kiste, jo flere kugler vil du få.

Vinterkugler vil give dig mulighed for at låse op for hovedpræmierne! Der er 3 hovedpræmier tilgængelige, hver kræver en hvis mængde kugler. For at låse op for næste hovedpræmie i rækken, skal du først låse op for den foregående.

Grandprize Flurry.png

Når du har låst op for hovedpræmierne, kan du finde dem i dit lager Inventory icon normal.png, under fanen "bygninger".


Hver dag vil du have muligheden for at vinde en unik og værdifuld begivenhedsbygning som den daglige eksklusive præmie. Den kan kun vindes ved at åbne kisterne og den er kun tilgængelig i en begrænset periode. Når den er væk, er den væk for evigt!

Sørg for at gennemfør så mange begivenhedsopgaver som muligt, så du har chancen for at vinde alle de daglige præmier og forvandle din by til en hyldest til snebygen!


Snow Flurry Buildings Overview

Chapter I

Chapter I - Snow Flurry Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture.png Population Neighborly HelpEffect
Frozen Tree Stump Magic 1x2 10s No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery. 88 - -
Forest Igloo 1x2 10s An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this. 84 - -
Winter Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs. 79 - -
Winter Forest Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime. 86 - -
Frozen Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes. 90 - -
Candy Cane Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes. 98 - -
Winter Deer 2x1 10s Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns. 83 - -
Winter Lampions 4x1 10s A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring. 177 - -
Frozen Flame Orange 2x2 10s A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 173 - 173 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Green 2x2 10s A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 150 - 150 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Blue 2x2 10s A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 165 - 165 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Purple 2x2 10s A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 180 - 180 Culture /8h
Temple of the Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 150 - 150 Culture /8h
Temple of the Frozen Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 165 - 165 Culture /8h
Lazy Snowman 2x3 10s Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man. 250 - 250 Culture /8h
Snowball Fight 2x3 10s Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up! 260 - 260 Culture /8h
Father Frozen Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 410 - 410 Culture /8h
Father Tree of Candy Canes 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 210 210 210 Culture /8h
Father Glitter Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night. 390 - 390 Culture /8h
Frozen Lake 3x3 10s A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season. 370 - 370 Culture /8h
Winter Star 3x3 10s A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King. 240 240 240 Culture /8h
Winter Pond Habitat 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. 194 194 194 Culture /8h
Lampion Winter Pond 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions. 370 - 370 Culture /8h
Igloo Festival 3x4 10s A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside. 270 270 270 Culture /8h
Snowy Charming Tree 4x3 10s Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot. 590 - 590 Culture /8h
Glacier Garden 5x3 10s A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur. 350 350 350 Culture /8h
Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
Snow Flake Mountain 4x2 10s Snow Flake Mountain 220 220 220 Culture /8h
Castle Snow Flake 4x3 10s The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles. 350 350 350 Culture /8h
Tower of the Winter King 4x4 10s The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be. 500 500 500 Culture /8h
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter II

Chapter II - Snow Flurry Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture.png Population Neighborly HelpEffect
Frozen Tree Stump Magic 1x2 10s No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery. 109 - -
Forest Igloo 1x2 10s An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this. 104 - -
Winter Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs. 98 - -
Winter Forest Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime. 107 - -
Frozen Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes. 112 - -
Candy Cane Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes. 121 - -
Winter Deer 2x1 10s Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns. 102 - -
Winter Lampions 4x1 10s A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring. 220 - -
Frozen Flame Orange 2x2 10s A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 210 - 210 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Green 2x2 10s A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 186 - 186 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Blue 2x2 10s A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 200 - 200 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Purple 2x2 10s A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 220 - 220 Culture /8h
Temple of the Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 186 - 186 Culture /8h
Temple of the Frozen Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 200 - 200 Culture /8h
Lazy Snowman 2x3 10s Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man. 310 - 310 Culture /8h
Snowball Fight 2x3 10s Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up! 320 - 320 Culture /8h
Father Frozen Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 500 - 500 Culture /8h
Father Tree of Candy Canes 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 210 210 210 Culture /8h
Father Glitter Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night. 480 - 480 Culture /8h
Frozen Lake 3x3 10s A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season. 460 - 460 Culture /8h
Winter Star 3x3 10s A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King. 290 290 290 Culture /8h
Winter Pond Habitat 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. 194 194 194 Culture /8h
Lampion Winter Pond 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions. 460 - 460 Culture /8h
Igloo Festival 3x4 10s A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside. 330 330 330 Culture /8h
Snowy Charming Tree 4x3 10s Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot. 730 - 730 Culture /8h
Glacier Garden 5x3 10s A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur. 440 440 440 Culture /8h
Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
Snow Flake Mountain 4x2 10s Snow Flake Mountain 270 270 270 Culture /8h
Castle Snow Flake 4x3 10s The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles. 440 440 440 Culture /8h
Tower of the Winter King 4x4 10s The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be. 620 620 620 Culture /8h
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter III

Chapter III - Snow Flurry Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture.png Population Neighborly HelpEffect
Frozen Tree Stump Magic 1x2 10s No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery. 144 - -
Forest Igloo 1x2 10s An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this. 138 - -
Winter Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs. 129 - -
Winter Forest Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime. 141 - -
Frozen Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes. 148 - -
Candy Cane Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes. 160 - -
Winter Deer 2x1 10s Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns. 135 - -
Winter Lampions 4x1 10s A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring. 290 - -
Frozen Flame Orange 2x2 10s A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 280 - 280 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Green 2x2 10s A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 250 - 250 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Blue 2x2 10s A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 270 - 270 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Purple 2x2 10s A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 300 - 300 Culture /8h
Temple of the Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 250 - 250 Culture /8h
Temple of the Frozen Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 270 - 270 Culture /8h
Lazy Snowman 2x3 10s Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man. 410 - 410 Culture /8h
Snowball Fight 2x3 10s Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up! 420 - 420 Culture /8h
Father Frozen Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 660 - 660 Culture /8h
Father Tree of Candy Canes 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 210 210 210 Culture /8h
Father Glitter Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night. 640 - 640 Culture /8h
Frozen Lake 3x3 10s A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season. 610 - 610 Culture /8h
Winter Star 3x3 10s A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King. 390 390 390 Culture /8h
Winter Pond Habitat 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. 194 194 194 Culture /8h
Lampion Winter Pond 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions. 610 - 610 Culture /8h
Igloo Festival 3x4 10s A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside. 440 440 440 Culture /8h
Snowy Charming Tree 4x3 10s Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot. 960 - 960 Culture /8h
Glacier Garden 5x3 10s A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur. 580 580 580 Culture /8h
Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
Snow Flake Mountain 4x2 10s Snow Flake Mountain 350 350 350 Culture /8h
Castle Snow Flake 4x3 10s The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles. 580 580 580 Culture /8h
Tower of the Winter King 4x4 10s The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be. 830 830 830 Culture /8h
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter IV

Chapter IV - Snow Flurry Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture.png Population Neighborly HelpEffect
Frozen Tree Stump Magic 1x2 10s No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery. 186 - -
Forest Igloo 1x2 10s An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this. 178 - -
Winter Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs. 167 - -
Winter Forest Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime. 183 - -
Frozen Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes. 191 - -
Candy Cane Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes. 210 - -
Winter Deer 2x1 10s Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns. 175 - -
Winter Lampions 4x1 10s A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring. 380 - -
Frozen Flame Orange 2x2 10s A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 370 - 370 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Green 2x2 10s A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 320 - 320 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Blue 2x2 10s A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 350 - 350 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Purple 2x2 10s A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 380 - 380 Culture /8h
Temple of the Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 320 - 320 Culture /8h
Temple of the Frozen Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 350 - 350 Culture /8h
Lazy Snowman 2x3 10s Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man. 520 - 520 Culture /8h
Snowball Fight 2x3 10s Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up! 550 - 550 Culture /8h
Father Frozen Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 860 - 860 Culture /8h
Father Tree of Candy Canes 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 210 210 210 Culture /8h
Father Glitter Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night. 820 - 820 Culture /8h
Frozen Lake 3x3 10s A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season. 790 - 790 Culture /8h
Winter Star 3x3 10s A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King. 500 500 500 Culture /8h
Winter Pond Habitat 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. 194 194 194 Culture /8h
Lampion Winter Pond 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions. 790 - 790 Culture /8h
Igloo Festival 3x4 10s A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside. 570 570 570 Culture /8h
Snowy Charming Tree 4x3 10s Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot. 1240 - 1240 Culture /8h
Glacier Garden 5x3 10s A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur. 750 750 750 Culture /8h
Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
Snow Flake Mountain 4x2 10s Snow Flake Mountain 460 460 460 Culture /8h
Castle Snow Flake 4x3 10s The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles. 740 740 740 Culture /8h
Tower of the Winter King 4x4 10s The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be. 1070 1070 1070 Culture /8h
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter V

Chapter V - Snow Flurry Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture.png Population Neighborly HelpEffect
Frozen Tree Stump Magic 1x2 10s No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery. 220 - -
Forest Igloo 1x2 10s An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this. 220 - -
Winter Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs. 200 - -
Winter Forest Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime. 220 - -
Frozen Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes. 230 - -
Candy Cane Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes. 250 - -
Winter Deer 2x1 10s Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns. 210 - -
Winter Lampions 4x1 10s A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring. 450 - -
Frozen Flame Orange 2x2 10s A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 440 - 440 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Green 2x2 10s A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 380 - 380 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Blue 2x2 10s A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 420 - 420 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Purple 2x2 10s A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 460 - 460 Culture /8h
Temple of the Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 380 - 380 Culture /8h
Temple of the Frozen Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 420 - 420 Culture /8h
Lazy Snowman 2x3 10s Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man. 630 - 630 Culture /8h
Snowball Fight 2x3 10s Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up! 660 - 660 Culture /8h
Father Frozen Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 1040 - 1040 Culture /8h
Father Tree of Candy Canes 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 210 210 210 Culture /8h
Father Glitter Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night. 990 - 990 Culture /8h
Frozen Lake 3x3 10s A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season. 950 - 950 Culture /8h
Winter Star 3x3 10s A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King. 600 600 600 Culture /8h
Winter Pond Habitat 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. 194 194 194 Culture /8h
Lampion Winter Pond 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions. 950 - 950 Culture /8h
Igloo Festival 3x4 10s A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside. 690 690 690 Culture /8h
Snowy Charming Tree 4x3 10s Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot. 1500 - 1500 Culture /8h
Glacier Garden 5x3 10s A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur. 900 900 900 Culture /8h
Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
Snow Flake Mountain 4x2 10s Snow Flake Mountain 550 550 550 Culture /8h
Castle Snow Flake 4x3 10s The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles. 900 900 900 Culture /8h
Tower of the Winter King 4x4 10s The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be. 1290 1290 1290 Culture /8h
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter VI

Chapter VI - Snow Flurry Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture.png Population Neighborly HelpEffect
Frozen Tree Stump Magic 1x2 10s No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery. 300 - -
Forest Igloo 1x2 10s An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this. 290 - -
Winter Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs. 270 - -
Winter Forest Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime. 290 - -
Frozen Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes. 310 - -
Candy Cane Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes. 330 - -
Winter Deer 2x1 10s Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns. 280 - -
Winter Lampions 4x1 10s A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring. 600 - -
Frozen Flame Orange 2x2 10s A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 590 - 590 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Green 2x2 10s A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 510 - 510 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Blue 2x2 10s A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 560 - 560 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Purple 2x2 10s A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 610 - 610 Culture /8h
Temple of the Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 510 - 510 Culture /8h
Temple of the Frozen Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 560 - 560 Culture /8h
Lazy Snowman 2x3 10s Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man. 840 - 840 Culture /8h
Snowball Fight 2x3 10s Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up! 880 - 880 Culture /8h
Father Frozen Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 1380 - 1380 Culture /8h
Father Tree of Candy Canes 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 210 210 210 Culture /8h
Father Glitter Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night. 1320 - 1320 Culture /8h
Frozen Lake 3x3 10s A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season. 1260 - 1260 Culture /8h
Winter Star 3x3 10s A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King. 800 800 800 Culture /8h
Winter Pond Habitat 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. 194 194 194 Culture /8h
Lampion Winter Pond 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions. 1260 - 1260 Culture /8h
Igloo Festival 3x4 10s A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside. 920 920 920 Culture /8h
Snowy Charming Tree 4x3 10s Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot. 1990 - 1990 Culture /8h
Glacier Garden 5x3 10s A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur. 1200 1200 1200 Culture /8h
Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
Snow Flake Mountain 4x2 10s Snow Flake Mountain 730 730 730 Culture /8h
Castle Snow Flake 4x3 10s The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles. 1190 1190 1190 Culture /8h
Tower of the Winter King 4x4 10s The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be. 1710 1710 1710 Culture /8h
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter VII

Chapter VII - Snow Flurry Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture.png Population Neighborly HelpEffect
Frozen Tree Stump Magic 1x2 10s No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery. 370 - -
Forest Igloo 1x2 10s An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this. 360 - -
Winter Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs. 330 - -
Winter Forest Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime. 370 - -
Frozen Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes. 380 - -
Candy Cane Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes. 410 - -
Winter Deer 2x1 10s Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns. 350 - -
Winter Lampions 4x1 10s A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring. 750 - -
Frozen Flame Orange 2x2 10s A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 730 - 730 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Green 2x2 10s A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 640 - 640 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Blue 2x2 10s A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 700 - 700 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Purple 2x2 10s A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 760 - 760 Culture /8h
Temple of the Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 640 - 640 Culture /8h
Temple of the Frozen Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 700 - 700 Culture /8h
Lazy Snowman 2x3 10s Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man. 1050 - 1050 Culture /8h
Snowball Fight 2x3 10s Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up! 1100 - 1100 Culture /8h
Father Frozen Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 1720 - 1720 Culture /8h
Father Tree of Candy Canes 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 210 210 210 Culture /8h
Father Glitter Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night. 1650 - 1650 Culture /8h
Frozen Lake 3x3 10s A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season. 1570 - 1570 Culture /8h
Winter Star 3x3 10s A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King. 1000 1000 1000 Culture /8h
Winter Pond Habitat 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. 194 194 194 Culture /8h
Lampion Winter Pond 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions. 1570 - 1570 Culture /8h
Igloo Festival 3x4 10s A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside. 1140 1140 1140 Culture /8h
Snowy Charming Tree 4x3 10s Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot. 2500 - 2500 Culture /8h
Glacier Garden 5x3 10s A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur. 1490 1490 1490 Culture /8h
Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
Snow Flake Mountain 4x2 10s Snow Flake Mountain 920 920 920 Culture /8h
Castle Snow Flake 4x3 10s The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles. 1490 1490 1490 Culture /8h
Tower of the Winter King 4x4 10s The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be. 2100 2100 2100 Culture /8h
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter VIII

Chapter VIII - Snow Flurry Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture.png Population Neighborly HelpEffect
Frozen Tree Stump Magic 1x2 10s No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery. 460 - -
Forest Igloo 1x2 10s An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this. 440 - -
Winter Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs. 410 - -
Winter Forest Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime. 450 - -
Frozen Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes. 470 - -
Candy Cane Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes. 510 - -
Winter Deer 2x1 10s Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns. 430 - -
Winter Lampions 4x1 10s A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring. 920 - -
Frozen Flame Orange 2x2 10s A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 900 - 900 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Green 2x2 10s A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 780 - 780 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Blue 2x2 10s A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 860 - 860 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Purple 2x2 10s A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 940 - 940 Culture /8h
Temple of the Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 780 - 780 Culture /8h
Temple of the Frozen Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 860 - 860 Culture /8h
Lazy Snowman 2x3 10s Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man. 1290 - 1290 Culture /8h
Snowball Fight 2x3 10s Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up! 1350 - 1350 Culture /8h
Father Frozen Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 2100 - 2100 Culture /8h
Father Tree of Candy Canes 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 210 210 210 Culture /8h
Father Glitter Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night. 2000 - 2000 Culture /8h
Frozen Lake 3x3 10s A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season. 1930 - 1930 Culture /8h
Winter Star 3x3 10s A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King. 1230 1230 1230 Culture /8h
Winter Pond Habitat 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. 194 194 194 Culture /8h
Lampion Winter Pond 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions. 1930 - 1930 Culture /8h
Igloo Festival 3x4 10s A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside. 1400 1400 1400 Culture /8h
Snowy Charming Tree 4x3 10s Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot. 3000 - 3000 Culture /8h
Glacier Garden 5x3 10s A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur. 1830 1830 1830 Culture /8h
Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
Snow Flake Mountain 4x2 10s Snow Flake Mountain 1120 1120 1120 Culture /8h
Castle Snow Flake 4x3 10s The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles. 1830 1830 1830 Culture /8h
Tower of the Winter King 4x4 10s The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be. 2600 2600 2600 Culture /8h
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.

Chapter IX

Chapter IX - Snow Flurry Buildings Information
Building Requirements Descripton Benefits
Size Construction Time Culture.png Population Neighborly HelpEffect
Frozen Tree Stump Magic 1x2 10s No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery. 560 - -
Forest Igloo 1x2 10s An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this. 540 - -
Winter Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs. 500 - -
Winter Forest Shrine 2x1 10s A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime. 550 - -
Frozen Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes. 580 - -
Candy Cane Unicorn 2x1 10s People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes. 620 - -
Winter Deer 2x1 10s Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns. 530 - -
Winter Lampions 4x1 10s A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring. 1130 - -
Frozen Flame Orange 2x2 10s A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 1100 - 1100 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Green 2x2 10s A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 960 - 960 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Blue 2x2 10s A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 1060 - 1060 Culture /8h
Frozen Flame Purple 2x2 10s A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains. 1150 - 1150 Culture /8h
Temple of the Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 960 - 960 Culture /8h
Temple of the Frozen Flame 2x2 10s Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. 1060 - 1060 Culture /8h
Lazy Snowman 2x3 10s Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man. 1580 - 1580 Culture /8h
Snowball Fight 2x3 10s Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up! 1660 - 1660 Culture /8h
Father Frozen Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 2600 - 2600 Culture /8h
Father Tree of Candy Canes 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. 210 210 210 Culture /8h
Father Glitter Tree 3x3 10s An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night. 2500 - 2500 Culture /8h
Frozen Lake 3x3 10s A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season. 2400 - 2400 Culture /8h
Winter Star 3x3 10s A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King. 1510 1510 1510 Culture /8h
Winter Pond Habitat 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. 194 194 194 Culture /8h
Lampion Winter Pond 3x3 10s A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions. 2400 - 2400 Culture /8h
Igloo Festival 3x4 10s A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside. 1730 1730 1730 Culture /8h
Snowy Charming Tree 4x3 10s Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot. 3700 - 3700 Culture /8h
Glacier Garden 5x3 10s A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur. 2300 2300 2300 Culture /8h
Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
Snow Flake Mountain 4x2 10s Snow Flake Mountain 1380 1380 1380 Culture /8h
Castle Snow Flake 4x3 10s The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles. 2200 2200 2200 Culture /8h
Tower of the Winter King 4x4 10s The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be. 3200 3200 3200 Culture /8h
Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.