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Construct banner.png

Ikke længe efter at Amunierne forlader din by, dukker der en kæmpe svævende ø op over din by og hænger der som om den venter på at der skal ske et eller andet. I starten er folk meget bange og frygter at øen kan ødelægge byen hvis den styrter ned. Så dukker der nogle mystiske væsener op, som kommer fra øen. De virker venlige og introducerer sig selv som "Konstruktørerne". De kalder Elvarianerne for Det Høje Folk, som skabte Konstruktørerne ud af alle mulige typer af materialer. De kan genkende deres skabere i dig, og er mindst lige så overraskede over at du ikke kan genkende dem, som du er over deres pludselige opdukken.


Konstruktørerne blev udviklet af Det Høje Folk for at gøre det ufrugtbare land frugtbart igen - Et modtræk til Amuniernes fremskridt. Uheldigvis var denne sidste kreation ikke færdiggjort helt da tørken ramte Det Høje Folks byer. Konstruktørerne var skabt til at kunne holde sig selv i live og løbende udvikle sig, de skulle følge Det Høje Folks ordrer, men i sidste ende leve selvstændige liv. Da tørken ramte og Det Høje Folk var tæt på udslettelse, sendte de Konstruktørerne op i skyerne hvor de kunne udvikle sig sikkert indtil de, engang, når deres udvikling var færdiggjort, kunne vende tilbage til Unur for at komme i gang med den opgave de var blevet skabt til.

When the Constructs returned to Unur, there was only desert as far as they could see. Their creators were nowhere to be found - extinct or disappeared? This question remained unanswered. So, the Constructs, sad at heart but determined to fulfill their destiny, started to bring back fertility to Unur, silently hoping that once their work was done, their creators would return. However, no-one ever came. The years passed, Unur regained its fertility step by step, countless new types of flora and fauna surfaced on the land and the Constructs evolved and diversified even further. Still, none of the mighty races that lived on Unur before the big drought reappeared. So, the Constructs started to extend their search further, using their most evolved floating islands to look beyond the borders of Unur, and finally crossed the great ocean to find another continent - the continent you call Elvenar. When they arrived at your continent, they detected the desert that started growing out of your city and also life forms that resembled those of the High Men. Could they finally have found their creators?

In an attempt to help you remember your former powers, they introduce you to their abilities and way of life, showing you how the Elvenar once created the powerful energy source "Elvenarin" that powers the Constructs. Then they show you how the most developed Constructs can turn Elvenarin into the mystical elements "Elvarium" and "Humanium", which are key to the Elvenar's greatest inventions. However, it turns out that you do not possess the divine power the Elvenar had and you can't reach their greatness. Rather, the Constructs tell you that the Elvenar were a race that was both human and elvish, able to combine the powers of both races. And you, as a human or elf, simply lack the other part of the Elvenar's soul.

When the big drought destroyed Unur and the culture of the Elvenar went down, all that remained was small communities of scared and disoriented people. Soon, these often isolated and seperated tribes each developed their own culture and beliefs, following their own principles and rules. It was the birth of Humans and Elves as we know them today. When conditions on Unur stayed bad and there was no sign of the Constructs coming back from the skies, many fled to the neighboring continent. As a reminder of the great culture that once was, they called their new home "Elvenar". Many years passed, Elvenarian knowledge and history faded and the crack between Humans and Elves, different views about life and culture, only grew bigger. And that is when your journey in Elvenar started. For the Constructs, the only way the High Men can return is if Humans and Elves come together again, combining their powers to overcome their weaknesses.

After you learned this revealing lesson from the Constructs, they return to the continent of Unur, waiting for you to join them again - not as Humans and Elves, but as the true Elvenar.

Constructs Settlement Resources

When the Central Island has landed in your city you can begin to create the initial resources known as Constructs. These are labor components, which when used together produce further settlement goods.

Constructs are created in the Central Island Produce tab:

Gr9 PortalProduction.png

Constructs comprise (from left to right): Basic, Breeze, Blossom, Mechatron, Shepherd.

Once you have the Production Islands, you can begin to produce Elvenarin, Electric Shocks, Rain Jellyfish, Protein Bars, Air Filters and, untimately, Elvarium and Humanium. These last two, along with Sentient Goods, are required to research technologies.

Sentient Goods

Your new Sentient Goods are Magical Goods. Silly Soap (Elixir), Alloy Shrooms (Magic Dust), Cosmic Bismuth (Gems). Your Boosted Good is your Boosted Magical Good +1. If your boosted Magical Good is Elixir, your boosted Sentient Good is Alloy Shrooms (Magic Dust), for Magic Dust it will be Cosmic Bismuth (Gems) and for Gems it will be Silly Soap (Elixir).

As with your Magical Goods you will get a boost according to the number of Relics you have in store for the respective Good. The Main Hall will show you the changes as you research the new Sentient Goods.

Constructs Buildings

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Portalsite gr9.png

(D000-b "Kerne")

Gr9 production.png

D001-o "Motor"

Gr9 production.png

D002-l "Have"

Gr9 production.png

D003-r "Forsamling"

Gr9 production.png

D004-w "Zoo"